Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Well it has been a while. Not too much different going on here, so stuff different day. Teagan is growing like a weed, she can now count to 10 in spanish and english. She knows all her colors, animal sounds and can say the alphabet. We are going to start on writing the alphabet soon. She is almost completely potty trained. She has not pooped in her pull up for months but gets too busy to go pee all the time. Jordon is looking for a job, no different from the last post but it is getting harder to find a job because GM is closing here so we have like 2000 people looking for new jobs with being layed off.

On a differnet note I would like to ask that you keep my blogger friend McKMomma and her family in your prayers check out her blog for more infomation. Stellan is a fighter and is truely a gift from god.

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